Saturday, January 30, 2010

youth in professional life

The times have been changing and so are the cultures, customs and traditions. Youth are now always trying hard to get independent as early as possible. Now the thing is that, all this seems to be good but at the cost of great losses that one doesn't realise while he's a player in this race for being independent.
College students, always seen at great highies during this period of their life. Never talking the phase in seriousness, always looking out for new and adventurous ways of entertainment.
After college life, starts the race; race where every one is running for money and success. People opt for unfair means, call center jobs or even some in absence of any opportunity, drive themselves into drugs.
Those who manage to get jobs, work hard to climb up faster than the rest, working harder, without caring about themselves and their personal lives.
Well the point is that, watever we do, whether we succeed or fail, we never look out means of satisfaction, peace or relaxation..
In India, a large number of youth works at call center, not because of lack of jobs..but most of them for easy money...drinking, smoking, sex..this has become an integral part of our lives...we forget that being a part of society, children and support to our family and parents, have a lot of responsibilities...barring this we forget ourselves..
So, i suggest, success, money..both are important..but more important is to know..Who am I and what i want in life...realising what is Good and Bad...i suggest...looking inside and taking to one's own conscinece....This helps !.... a tried solution...try and u'll notice the change in urself...


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